March 30, 2009

Hello Family,

This week was great. It was a lot of work and at times a little discouraging but because of my numbers this work is becoming more and more enjoyable. My companion and I were talking this week about how we are enjoying finding more this week. We started counting our contacts and because of this I feel like I am working more and getting more done. It is a great feeling. This next week should be good as well. Although we are losing miles this next month and so we are going to be moving all around either on foot or on bike.
We had some great lessons this week and I really enjoyed the spirit I felt in most of them. We spoke with a member that is on the virge of divorce. Because of this he has been really sad and we started sharing scriptures with him and he like always loved it but as well the spirit was so strong SO STRONG!!! Oh man I loved that lesson. He was touched by it and his wife who hasn’t come to church in months came! Woohoo! She came.

I was writing my email to you but it all got deleted again… I hate that. But this letter will be a little short because I don’t have a whole lot of time left. But this week was a great amount of work with a great amount of being completely wiped at the end of the day. It is kind of taking me back to my first transfer but without the feelings of wanting to go home. Man it is hard to believe that 1) I already have almost 7 months as a missionary. 2) that my first transfer was so hard. It really was a huge change. A huge shock to my attitude, my life. I just always thought about home about what I wanted to do when I got back what I could have been doing if I were home instead, all of the things that I did before.
Now it is almost completely different. The mission is hard but the wonderful opportunities are so amazing! Not having the worry about homework about work… I just know that every day I go out to find people and teach people. The simple truths of the gospel. I do have to work with some meatheads at times but the amount of blessing I receive are so worth it. The wonderful feelings I receive are so much more than I deserve.
Our stake president had an awesome meeting last night for the priesthood. All of the missionaries were in a room and teaching a priesthood ordinance. I taught about dedicating graves. The stake president started by telling all the men. “It doesn’t matter if you have 95 years in the church… If you have a month, welcome. If you have a day, I would like to personally welcome you. If you have been in the church more than a year more than 50 years I want you to know this night is your night to be quiet. Your night to listen to these trained missionaries. Then we taught all the priesthood ordinances and then afterward when we met all up again the brothers started arguing about how to do a blessing. It was pretty funny to watch how heated it got but the president just said “brothers please. Just listen we are reading this straight out of the General Handbook for the church. It doesn’t matter who taught you where you read it before…we are reading it tonight straight out of the book.” Then a member stood up (who just got home from his mission) and said “brothers. You are all acting like Pharisees. Listen to the stake president. Listen to the book that the prophet has approved. Forget what our fathers did listen to modern day revelation.” President pretty much ended the meeting with that and it was great. It was fairly entertaining. But a great activity.
We are getting a new mission leader for our ward. He is great. He has a strong testimony and is in Guiness book of world records for the only person to live from a stage 3 west nile virus. Hector Morales. Look him up.
We are going to be training him straight from the Preach my gospel DVD’s DAD… you should get them for the ward. Watch them use them. They gave us as missionaries so much excitement to do this work! Really they are great.

Well I love you! Have a wonderful day!

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