April 21, 2009

Hello. Well This week was great! Here is a great Story… =)I really love being a missionary. We had an amazing experience this last week. I talked a little last week about a family we received. We were fasting for 2 of our investigators to be able to get closer to baptism. It was one of the most dilligent fasts I remember doing in my life. I did everything according to how I have learned to fast. When we closed our fast not even 10 minutes after we recieved a phone call. It was the elders from mayaguez with a refference for us. Someone that had shown up at church and wanted to come again. We had his name and phone number and were ready to call. We didn't end up calling till wednesday. But we were in the area where they live, and called them to see if we could set up a date to come back. He asked us if we had time that same day. We said..."Well were pretty close are you home?" He excitedly said "yes yes i'll come down to let you in" He came down and we started talking with them just to get to know them The first things they said were "I was baptized but she isn't baptized, We're not married but talked to the bishop about getting married and she wants to get baptized when she learns the charlas, and her son wants to get baptized but has to wait till he's 8." So we taught them and then they were asking us to come back. They want us to come by as frequent as possible came to family home evening last night and everything. I Am SO EXCITED FOR THIS FAMILY!It reminds me of Jesus Christ. When he was suffering in the Garden of Getshemany He always turned to the will of the father. In Mosiah 4:9 talks about the many things of god which we cannot comprehend.We started our fast for these two investigators. They aren't progressing very fast but He still blessed us. One of them actually stopped progressing but still he blesses us for our sacrifice. I Love Being A Missionary
I wrote that in a letter I sent you. They are amazing and tonight we are eating dinner there. =)
This week we also had some good lessons and some bummer lessons. I am learning a lot about talking to people in preach my gospel. There are so many promises there that if I really just talk to everyone then we will have more people to teach that we will have more things to do.
On Saturday we went over to Santos and Marias to eat dinner and teach them Spanish. We were teaching Spanish and it started to rain.. Dum Dum Dum. Then the lightning started dum dum dum. Then as it was time to go home the rain started even harder like it is doing now. 90 and raining. =) but then we were heading home and they live out in the boonies. So we were going on curvy roads and on the biggest curve we started hydroplaning. I turned the tires and got them to grip again but before I could get it out we hit the guard rail. At about 20 miles an hour. We dented the front bumper and that was it. Didn’t break the light nothing just dented the front bumper. Then we were over at chory’s house (an awesome member) who owns a tire shop, and he looked at the car and said “bring it by my place tomorrow and we’ll fix it.” So we took it over and one of his employees just took the bumper off and popped it out and then chory sent us over to his brothers tire shop and he gave us some Satin Wax. And we put it on and now its almost as good as new. AMAZING! This member is amazing He feeds us all the time he Fixes our car for free and wont let the mission pay him. And then on top of it Feeds us even more. When I leave this area I am going to miss his family! We are teaching his son right now to prepare for a mission… (he’s 12) =) they want him to start early.
But I am fine one elder in back wasn’t wearing his seatbelt and So now I don’t start the car without all seatbelts on. He had to write that he wasn’t wearing it on the report. We called and talked with the car coordinator and told us not to worry about it just get on with the work and be more cautious next time.
That was my week… By the way no one else in the car got hurt either. We’re all fine.
WOOHOO! Only one more week of this transfer. New Companion? New area? I will know next Monday. =)
I love you miss you!

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