March 24, 2009

Well family this week. Hmmm. Many things going on. Many changes and now we are out of miles in our car so not able to visit our investigators. Which is great. Not necessarily something I enjoy.
We had a great meeting with the bishopric here. It was one of the Most spiritless meetings I have ever been in. I left kind of upset and unexcited to do the work. But decided to just stick it to em and found like crazy Sunday night. It was good. And Monday yesterday we had a great time as well.
We had transfers on Wednesday and I got a new companion Elder Esturban. He is from Guatemala in the City south mission. So Ben might have served in his ward. My roommate matt might be serving in his ward right now. Pretty cool. He was almost a professional skateboarder right before the mission. He sent in his papers and everything and got his mission call then two weeks before he left he received an offer to be sponsored on a Guatemala competitive skate team to go compete all through central America. The missionaries spoke with him and said he just needed to pray and know what he needed to do. He prayed and received the strongest answer of his life that a mission was exactly what he needed to do. He is now in the mission and says that his family never thought he would serve a mission. That he was not worthy nor had the disres to serve a mission but decided to change. He came out and has been struggling since. He hasn’t broken any rules to get him sent home but has done quite a few things that aren’t so good. He came into this transfer tired of being a joke missionary. Tired of having the ward refer to him as Travieso or Mischief. So I am working hard with that. His biggest problem now is music that isn’t appropriate for a missionary. We are going to send those home pretty soon here. =) He’s Changing and I hope for the rest of his mission.
He has more time in the mission and for that I think he is the Senior comanion. He has a month and a half more than me. But he said he was told I am the senior companion. Either way we are both trying to work hard. Missionary work isn’t easy. And it takes some desire and diligence to not be lazy. To leave on time to not take too much time for lunch and so we of course still have a lot of room to improve but we are trying.
Today we are out of miles we are out of Money and so this P-day is going to be a beach day I’m thinking. =) Volleyball or something. Although I am excited for just a day of rest.
In Aprils Liahona or ensign for you guys it talks about a new book being published Volume 1 of the Joseph smith papers. It is a 30 volume series with two books coming out every year started this December. It is journal entries papers and anything that we have about or form joseph smith. Pretty cool sounding if you ask me. So ya. Check into it.
Last night we had Family Home evening at Chory’s house like normal but right before we had our Consecrated Finding time. We finished and walked back to the house and on our way home someone stopped us. He told us his life sucked and he wanted to change it. That he doesn’t agree with catholics and other religions because they worship Mary and all that. He said he is coming to church this next week Woohoo! He told us he was going to kill himself last night. So we talked to him and told him that god has a plan and not to worry. It was a nice little talk that we had with him. I felt great afterwards.

Other than that. Yeah
Life is great I’m am missionary. Got a lot of letters the other day. Mom that picture of you is beautiful! I showed it to our recent convert Madeline and she said “OH MY. HER EYES!!! YOU LOOK JUST LIKE YOUR MOM. HOW GORGEOUS!!!” =) she was amazed at how blue your eyes are.

JOSH WOOHOO!!! WAY TO GO!!! BRO!!! Hailee My favorite song from Wicked is


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