March 1, 2010

This week was a great week to realize the importance of work. Before the mission i memorized the quote "i have often said one of the greatest secrets of missionary work is work..." I really found the truth in that statement. This week we had to close the apartment that had missionaries in it for 3 years. That involved cleaning three years worth of careless missionary mess. Grease all over the walls hand prints bike tire marks air conditioner that had not been cleaned for about 3 years. Stove top that was covered in grease and caked on foods. As i was cleaning i noticed how important cleaning is on p-day. and as well i also noticed when i was not doing missionary work i really missed it. i was in a bad attitude i didn't want to do anything. Nothing was cheery like it normally is. I have often loved the ability God has blessed me with to enjoy almost any situation i am in. But this week i felt complete opposite...(at first) cleaning all day long was not something that made me feel effective. I was having many homesick thoughts wanting to be with my family or just constantly thinking about life after the mission. Elder Alisa one of the assistants called me and my excitement level was just down in the pits. He told me "elder you should call President Martineau, he's like a Dad for me and helps me a lot" i refused i didn't tell him that but i refused. I knew exaclty what it was...(i had a pretty good idea at least.) So we started working again. You know how much i haven't liked toking. But i missed a good solid two hours trying to talk to people. So we did it. and it felt great! That day got so much better instantly. I felt great! Up until now i feel great. We didn't get our goals but i feel like i did my best with what the week threw at us. It was a good week. Definitely not easy but it was good. I am excited to just have a normal week with only 2 meetings with a dueno. It will be much better! much much better! So that was a part of our week. Work gets rid of homesickness! Thats for sure!

As well found out i will be closing two more apartments this month. That next transfer there will be only one companionship on this island! WoohoO! crazy! so that means more cleaning. But this time not just one apartment two! fun!

My companion...ay... After about 5 hours of cleaning we were riding home to get our things and he said. Elder i don't like cleaning. I'm finding a wife that cleans. I can't clean. It drives me crazy! He just sat and watched us clean all day long. Picking up toys and other things throughout the apartmentand just not doing anything useful. it just made me laugh. Then the next day i had a meeting with the landlord. He came and said it still wasn't clean enough. but we just wanted to hand it over so we gave him the keys then he went through and made an assesment on all the things. He came to a total of 2760 Guilders which is about 1400 dollars. So many things were just missing and others completely broken but still not worth 1400 Then on sunday he called back asking for more money taking it to about $1600. So the offices told me give him the money and tell him if anything else comes up he has to speak with the offices. He is just trying to milk us. New towels. New sheets. All things that after three years you would need to buy new ones anyway. The contract states that normal wear and tear will be exluded. So the office isn't to willing to give him more. Crazy!

Met some cool people though! Through our finding time and guy just stopped us and asked us What do i need to do to become a member of your church? then he went on about how he had a dream that he needed to find another wife and thought we accept plural marriage. We have an appointment with him tonight. =} it will be interesting.

So again i have been translating in church since i got here. Which is kind of cool. There are a bunch of military people here from utah and they took us out to lunch today. But since they got here we have asked and asked what they do. They haven't answered us. We made many guesses. and came to the conclusion that they must be computer geeks. They aren't big buff guys so we were just trying to figure out what they are doing. today at lunch they told us they are linguists. Spanish linguists. Sounds like a cool job but they are always away from their families. i wouldn't like that. But they are pretty much here helping catch the bad guys. They sit in the back of the planes translating the bad guys conversations till they get them. Pretty nifty stuff. Well our week was a lot of cleaning and a lot of not else.

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