February 1, 2010

Not a whole lot of time left. But I just want you to know i love you. So i am the temporary Gospel Principles Teacher. Pretty fun. I really love teaching. I think that's one of my favorite aspects of the mission. Now that also brings in one of my trials. Teaching well with a companion. Getting unified. Not just free of argueing but us both having the same righteous desires. Both realizing what we have to do and coming together. I feel like its too much one way or the other. Either his idea or my idea. That isn't very beneficial. Because one of us is usually still wondering how our own idea would have worked. I was on two different trade offs this week. and both were great because we were together. We had great companionsip studies made choices together and more than anything agreed on the points to teach. Now i need to find out how i can do that with my companion. I feel like he has lost desire to progress. The other missionaries I was with are both studying constantly the Scriptures and PMG and my companion commented this week to one of them. If you don't stop reading your head will explode. Jokingly but kind of shows he doesn't have a desire to improve anymore. He thinks he knows it pretty well and is satisfied. I have so much room to improve.


But things are going well!

I am enjoying my stay.

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