February 8, 2010

Élderes y Hermanas,

Usted:Elder Ellis

Su Compañero:Elder Slade
Su Área:Curacao 4

Escriba sus indicadores clave aquí:

Contactos (sin planificar):281
Contactos (planeados):130
Tiempo Consagrado Para Encontrar (horas totales):12:35
Lecciones (totales):25
Primeras lecciones:13
Nuevos investigadores (totales):6
Lecciones con miembros presentes:0
Investigadores asistiendo a la Reunión Sacramental:1
Fechas bautismales:0
Reunión de Correlación Misional (CAR):No
Números de miembros que enseñaron con los misioneros:
Nuevos M&Ms:0
Nuevos investigadores proveídos por los miembros:0

Escriba su carta al presidente aquí:

Well This week was a great. With the day of 200 contacts i really did learn a lot from that. Now its a matter of putting the things i got from it in practice. I was very tired of saying the same things at the end of the 200. I started to make the contacts short but personal. Thinking really about that person. I feel like many missionaries myself included follow such a vain pattern. Ok two principles and then start with the testimony then set a return date. You can see it roll through their Train station of thought. they talk then testify rail takes off. They feel empty sometimes. Especially after doing about 50 i noticed the same words and same beginning end everything. So i tried to change it. I tried making them shorter. God loves us has brought back beautiful simple necessities for us to return to him. Would you like to hear more.

That is what i wrote to president/ But this week i decided to take on a challenge from president martineau. He said that if we contacted 200 people in one day he would by us a steak dinner. He has only had it happen a few times. And i decided on a tradeoff with a younger missionary we would try it out. It was a great opportunity for him and me to see how wonderful contacting is.... I still dont like it the most but i feel like it is what we are supposed to do. I read through my journal and that was what i wanted to do at the beginning of my mission. I wanted to talk to everyone this week i tried. It was great! The younger missioanry hadn't gotten his required contacts the last three weeks. This week after going on the tradeoff he got them for the first time! I was so happy for them.

We didn't get any member lessons this week though. I also found out that President will be changing from 10 missionaries to 6 down here. We are losing two areas. So i need to come up with new areas. Fun! WoohoO! He comes tomorrow night so i will be enjoying my steak dinner! yEAH!

What else. Well the other two dorks we room with got the bikes stolen. They were at a lunch cita and didn't lock them up. I had a spedometer with miles of this transfer... oh well. They're good guys but wonder how much they use their brains at times. =) They are just minor dorks compared to my dorkness. But we got the other bikes fixed so now we're up and running again.

Other than that this week was just more missionary work...

We had a great lady in church yesterday! She came in and said she had been looking for the church for the last hour. She said she had showed her daughter about the book of mormon and her daughter asked why do we need that if we have the bible. She said she told her daughter. THEY SAY IT IS MORE FROM JESUS CHRIST. Why not read it!? I was very excited hearing that we have an appointment on friday with her! WOoho! ....My companion... well he leaves next week. So i'm not too bummed! But hings aren't that bad. Love You!

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