January 4, 2010

SO this week was kind of crazy! We talked with our investigator on monday and he said he was excited to keep learning. We brought out my Helicopter...(christmas Present from you guys =) ) and played with it and his kids (it was P-day) Then played frisbee. Then found out one of our other investigators was in jail because her ex-husband came to her house and she told him to leave and he wouldn't so she slapped him and he called the police so she spent the night in jail. Then we went to the Arce family and he said he wanted to get baptized after having his dream. We had a Family home evening planned with a member and he was excited to come and eat and enjoy and we were going to do the interview with president that night. We got there and called him and he told us that he was in the hospital. he had gone in for a checkup and the doctor told him he couldn't leave the hospital. That he had to stay to clean his blood and had some clogged arteries or something. So he wasn't able to get baptized last weekend. But he gets out today and the baptism is planned for this weekend. But president that night anounced to the members that i was leaving and instead of saying Aruba he said Curacao. and i was a bit confused. He Said that i was giong to curacao and that ......... then he said that my companion was going to train. My companion is on his last trasnfer and he is training. =)

We kept working and working. New years eve couldn't sleep because it was so loud. Then i got to use a lawn mower for the first time in my mission. My lines weren't very straight at first but towards the end i pick it up again. =) I Love mowing lawns. Then on sunday i got up to bear my testimony and bore my simple heart felt testimony then thanked the members for all they have done and mentioned i was leaving today. as soon as i said that there was an audible sigh. That hasn't happened before...ever. All the other wards were just normal...ok bye... but here they all got up and bore their testimonies about missionary work. One sister said. "The missionaries come and go and have never affected us but these two are the hardest working humblest missioanries we have seen" She finished her testimony and another got up. Then after church they really made it hard. They all wanted to write their address' in my book and it was just a nice experience to see that the members i learned to love had learned to love me back. Thats a great feeling. One other sister. Sister Linares My puerto rican mom wrote in my journal Elder ellis tu robaste nuestros corazones, cuando regreses nuestro hogar es el tuyo (Dad's own attempt at translation here: "You stole our hearts, when you return our home is yours). They are a great family. I feel like they really are part of my family! I cant explain it. They are just like sisters and my aunt and uncle.

Then the less active we have been working with hasn't been to church in 25 years. She got baptized and went to church for a little while then stopped. She came to church this week. I almost started crying. SO HAPPY! The best part is there were 3 or 4 members that she knew. She was surprised and felt welcome with them still there. She talked to me after and said that she felt like she had missed out for a long time and thanked us for coming over and helping her come back. It made me feel so good.
Then today found out David A Bednar is coming to our mission the 23 of January. But he's not coming down to the islands. So today i am going to bring it up in zone leader council tonight, that maybe president can fly the Zone leaders of the islands up to puerto rico for that wonderful experience.
oh that too i am now zone leader of the islands of Bonaire and curacao

I Love you! Have a wonderful day Night week! Tlka to you later.

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