November 30, 2009

So this week.......

We had a lesson with the lady we gave the book of mormon to and she was very interested in the book of mormon and Joseph smith. She had even read to 2nd Nephi in the book of mormon. It was a great lesson one where you just sit back and smile becuase you know they are understanding.

For thanks giving we had one family that invited us over and fed us a ton. Then right after that we went to another family who also gave us a ton. They live further out in the nowheres. so we went and swang on some vines while she was finishing the food. =) We went to eat and It was delicious. My favorite of the day. While she was helping serve us i put a fake cockroach on her plate =) she came back and had the most disgusted look on her face. Then smiled and said "elderes yo debo saber ya que siempre me hacen maldades" =) I honestly continue to love these people. I feel like they are my family! I told my companion that i wish she could be my aunt or something. She told me that next year i can come back and go Black friday shopping with her all over puerto rico. She left at 4 in the morning.

We also ahd a ward activity that was great! We did Create a sundae. it turned out great! The ward mission leader was afraid of letting us run it thinking it wouldn't turn out very good. But it turned out great! We had another little talk with the bishop just to update him on our work and things that are happening.

Then on saturday we had a service project to clean someones yard. She also lives way out in the nowheres. it was super! My companion got sick. Way sick that night. His eyes were blood shot and had a fever. Then i gave him a blessing that night and he woke up perfectly fine.

Then sunday morning we both gave talks. I enjoyed it a lot. I learned a lot preparing and giving the talk. Revelation is great. Being able to use scriptures in ways i had never thought about seem to be coming to me much more lately. What a blessing. I have used the same chapter with many members this week and everytime empphasizing on a different principle of the Gospel. Nephi and his brothers getting the plates.

Good Good Good.

We even got a call from president telling us he heard we gave great talks in sacrament meeting.

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