June 8, 2009

Ok so. This last week was a very different week. As most end of transfer weeks are. The time seems to pass so fast and then i realize i am starting another month another transfer and soon i will be moving on to another area...or maybe not... but everything just passes so fast.
This last transfer was good companion wise. He was very different i feel like i really finally got to know him and learned to work with him towards the end. It took a while some argueing and much patience but now i feel much more tolerant. I feel like i can put petty differences aside much easier now.
This week has also been good teaching wise. I was kind of upset because i didn't have the focus or motivation rather to get my ten contacts a day as president nos exhorto.
I practiced my dutch.... yep still dont know a thing except Ik Spreek Niet Nedelands and Ik ben een zendeling . That is about the extent of my dutch right now but should be increasing soon. We are going to start working with members to help teach us.. I still need to find a good book.
I ate some funny things this last week. I wanted to try some cactus. So there was a cactus broken over so i took my knife out and cut through the middle and took a big chunk out of the middle. It tasted like a baked potato kind of. But much gooeier. Not bad... I didn't know if it was edible but i didn't die...=)
We went to a lady's house to eat lunch one day ... =) She had talked about making arepas which are like venezuelan tacos. i was pumped then we got there and she had decided to make Sopa de rabo de vaca. Which is COW TAIL!!! Fun! It wasn't very good but not too digusting. Just huge chunks of bone all over and she just ate it like a pro cow tail eater. Just pick out the bones sucked on them for a while then spit them out for her dog to eat. It was cool.
Then on sunday we went to a sisters house who made.... Rice Potato salad (much different than what you're thinking of) Ribs Chicken and a big chunk of beef. More meat than i have eaten my whole mission in one meal...=) no. On sunday i had a great experience. I really felt the promise of the atonement. I felt completely clean new and ready to start working hard again. It was wonderful! I felt like afterwards i was able to teach with much more clarity and i felt the spirit working through me! Just how preach my gospel tells us we can know we are successful and the lord is pleased with us. Wonderful!
This morning my companion flew out. wednesday the other island elders fly out. thursday the new missionaries fly in including SISTERS that are taking over half our area. We had to split out area this last week find a new apartment and get a bunch of stuff in line for them. Whew.
Thursday i hand over the keys to the car and i am on bike again. WoohoO! Time to lose a little weight. I've been getting chunkier. not bad staying the same weight but now i am going to work it off again. President also made a rule a few months back that elders and sisters can't ride in the same car... and he is imposing it here in aruba too. so we are going to have to ride the bus up to do email and everything on Pday. How fun!

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