August 24, 2009

Woohoo! this is the last full week of this transfer! AAAHHHH! Yeah this week was great, crazy but great. We didn't get a lot of lessons or anything else. we had president interviews and they were great! president asked me if we should close my area. but today he decided that he isn't going to close it but instead he is going to be changing the way i work there. He said i am heading a family/ service approach at missionary work just becuase it has been a while since we have seen success in barber. It is going to be completely different but i am excited. This week i didn't have any accidents but i did have a tradeoff with one of the elders in my district. It was supposed to be a day and a half but ended up being about 4 days. because they made it too late to catch a bus. SO I WENT TO CHUCH HERE and it was awesome. Translating again and with over 100 people in church. next week i will be back in barber with less than 10 people in my front room. Woohoo!
But one more transfer here then i will either go to bonaire or back to puerto rico. becuase we can't get visas. it is just our immigration days and i am up until january when they reset. i have used all my days in aruba and curacaoso until they reset i can't stay. but as soon as they reset president will send me back. Woohoo!
well this letter is a little short and without pictures because i am still up here in punda and don't have my cord. but i love you and wish you all a great week!

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