Dec. 22
"Dear Family,
This week has gone by so fast. And this email place is getting pretty strict about only using the computers for and hour and so it makes it difficult to read emails and send everything out in just an hour. But here it goes. This week we worked hard had hardly any success but enjoyed it as well. There is a sister missionary in our district going home that was like a big sister to me in this area. Helped me enjoyed it and spoke English… it was great but more than anything her leaving, reaching the end of her mission made me realize how short it is and how much you learn in your short time here. It is sad but a wonderful opportunity. This week was a big change in my attitude about the mission. Rather than missing home I felt more fear for going home. I’m not looking forward to my last transfer here on the mission. I miss you terribly but like I felt at school I am finally getting comfortable and it scares me to think I will be leaving this wonderful work. THIS TRANSFER WENT BY SO FAST!

Already into transfer 2. AND CHRISTMAS! AHHH. This next week is going to be great christmas and a new companion. I am scared and happy all at the same time. We worked really hard this week hardly anyone was home and our numbers show it. Unfortunately we didn't have any lessons with a member we went out with a member but didn't get to teach an investigator with him. We sweat a lot and helped The son of Manuel move from el coto (government paid housing which is full of drugs and bad stuff) to a much nicer neighborhood. It was a great chance to meet him and share out service with him i feel like we've established a great friendship with him that will hopefully continue on and eventually he can accept the gospel with his family! Manuel will be a great example to that! GREAT! This next week we HAVE to teach him. It's easy to see the ways the adversary cuts into their lives while a missionary. This whole last week he has been out with Hno. Rodriguez which is great but in doing so we haven't been able to teach him. Luckily he continues to come to church and is always intrigued with the doctrine always trying to learn more and sharing what he learns with his "Friend" or esposa...

This week i had a wonderful experience of prayer, which i never feel like i deserve. I couldn't find my wallet and checked every pair of pants i have multiple times. My backpack desk everything over and over. Then decided to pray. I asked to help me calm down. I was having a hard time. Becuase Sister Turpin is leaving and thinking about her leaving and how fast this transfer has gone that in no time i'll be where she is scared me. I am beginning to love it. I dont look forward to that last transfer. Then after praying for comfort and strength and the ability to relax and find my wallet, and ultimately humbling myself before the lord i finished my prayer and stood there thinking of where it could be then grabbed one pair of pants. and sure enough there it was. The lord always helps us. Always. I had checked the pants several times but in haste and fear didn't find it. With prayer and guidance from my father in heaven i was able to search.

a small part of my week but made a great impact on me. not to mention the rest of the day went great!

Then this morning i was reading Alma 26 i have loved the chapters of the sons of Mosiah! and this chapter tops it off for me Ammon saying that he has recieved all strength from the lord! This has been the way i have felt and acted these last few days and maybe weeks as well. Realizing that i am nothing without the strength that i recieve every day to continue. THis work is not easy and as this chapter shares they were spit upon rejected and hurt. Luckily i have only been hit with words but they continued to go on in the cuase they knew was right. AMAZING! This this morning i also read the talk by Michael John U. Teh of the seventy in the January Liahona, and he talks about our faith and how at times it is shaken by the ways of the world. Little seeds of doubt. I have felt this as well but have been able to overcome it through the wonderful blessings we recieve daily. He shares the example of Joseph smith when he was tarred and feathered and how the next day he continued and preached to the people like he knew he had to.

I Love this gospel and i love the scriptures! I Love being a Missionary!

This week i dont really remember to many specific events but i remember that i enjoyed it. When we went contacting on Wednesday there was a lady that answered her door and said “shame on you” You’re mormons aren’t you”, in English too. And I replyed in English of course we are and what are you and she replied I’m born again Christian and I hope you guys see the light. And I replied I’m sorry you feel that way but that is why we are here. To share the light of the gospel with the world. And she said. Shame on you in a low voice and kind of creepy. Then I said well I hope god blesses you and have a merry Christmas. Then she said he does. And I said I know that’s our message that we can have more blessings. Then she said again I hope you see the light. And I said I hope YOU see the light good bye. And as we walked away she said 1 wife! I turned around and walked back up to her door. Then said Ma’am We don’t practice polygamy anymore but if you’d like we could teach you more of the truth and clear up the rumors you’ve heard. I felt strong in this moment as in alma 26. Then on the same street about 8 houses down another lady shushed us away and asked if we would give blood to our kids. My companion replied. Of course we would. Without a doubt. And the lady said well some people in your religion wouldn’t. and he said Senora No somos testigos. We are NOT Jehovas witnesses. We testify of Jesus Christ and are missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints “Mormones” she shushed us off again.

This street was filled with funny things like this. =) Made me smile!"

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