June 28, 2010

Well i am on foot and bike. in the mountains. Rains every day between 2-4 HOURS.

President and Sister Martineau keep saying this will be the best part of my mission and that it will be the icing on my mission.

I left aruba. i bought a new carryon which ended up costing me 11 dollars and i saved 40 on overweight charges because flight between islands allow half the normal US weight standards. As i left i really felt like i was leaving my area in great condition. With several great investigators and great friendships with members and a strong english class that elder Zenger and Lopez and i had set up. It felt great leaving but then as i got to my area. Diarrhea struck one of the few times on the mission. and the humidity of puerto rico seems so much worse than i remembered. My bed is moist when i get in it at night. My towel never completely dries unless i leave it in the sun. Then i realized that we dont even live in our area. We have to walk down a huge hill to get to our area. Meaning later throughout the day we have a nice walk up. =) i will hopefully lose a little weight. Then on sunday we had a district conference with president martineau. I cried through the majority of it. Felt like a baby. It was just a really emotional meeting for me for some reason. President and sister martineau talked for their last time. and they sang a song that they have sung several times "follow the light" i think it was partly missing being in san nicolas. What a great area with great people it is. coming to rain. and a little bit of reflection on the lack of time i have left. It makes me happy to go home but just fear and sadness to leave these beautiful people. It just was too much for me that day.

I did however get to see many of the members with whom i started the mission. Some didn't remember me some did and gave me hugs immediately. it was great. Then we went home and ate.... My companion is a great guy but very slow and just without pep in his step nor contacts. He eats slower than molasis. I eat and then still have time to take a half hour nap or shower or study or do a load of laundry. =) he says he doesn't like to be rushed. I respect it. =)

Then this morning we went grocery shopping and because of all the Airport tax and everything i didn't have as much as i had written down. Same problem that i had with keybank where they overdrafted me for money that i had. but becuase the comuter hasn't caught up to the actual funds i could only spend 12 dollars on my gorceries. That was after getting 40 dollars worth. Kind of embarassing but the lady was really nice about it. =)

Now i am in the internet place it costs 5 dollars an hour. Nitido. =) All i can really do is smile. and just laugh at all that is happening. being rained on so much and climbing little hills all day long. Fun two transfers these will be.

Well cuidense y hasta la proxima...

i probably wont be writing till next wednesday. Becuase of 4th of July i believe.

Almost 21 crazy

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